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Zero Emissions.

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10ClarionSt | 23:07 Sun 09th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Here one industrial contribution to zero emissions. What do you think?


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He's not impressed is he?
Just about sums the whole thing up.

Just enough go for the photo shoot but your foundation completion is outwith previous norms.
Back to the drawing board. Farcical.
Oh dear....
Some folk are never happy :-)
the vast majority of UK electricity is generated using fossil fuels any way
Lol, typical.
Mind you, it would be nice not having to work in all the exhaust fumes and noise.
(although H&S probably demand they produce a horrendous racket)
He needs a bank of spare batteries and a quick way to remove the flat ones and put in the charged ones. He also needs a group of workers peddling to run a generator for recharging. More employment, better for the country's economy too.
Generally, these 'planet savers' are re-charged via a site generator as no mains power is available.
Cut out the middle man, OG.
Give all the lads a pick and shovel.
It is the 21st century, after all.
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Thanks for the replies folks. I just think it sums the whole concept of electric vehicles, ie, it needs a lot more to go into it than what comes out. Electric vehicles seem ok, but at what cost and effort to produce them?

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Zero Emissions.

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