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A Wonderful Old Building

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Canary42 | 18:04 Wed 12th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
They don't make them like that any more. This article may be of interest for anybody into architecture, it covers the preservation of a magnificent swimming baths in Birmingham.

P.S. Filed under CB as we don't appear to have an Architecture category.


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Wow, magnificent. Glad this beautiful building has been preserved.
That is amazing, good to hear it is being preserved.
That was my local baths when I was a child. Used the public bath as well as the swimming baths as we didn't have a bath at home.
Magnificent...and interesting that men and women were initially segregated.
Thanks for posting this, Canary. That's fantastic.
a beautiful building - a shame the "after" picture is buried in the middle of the story like that, it should go up the top.

Pasta, one of the pools near me when I was young had two pools , for women and men. Though I didn't know about it until quite recently, the men's one was apparently a popular gay pick-up spot (I don't know if the women's side fulfilled a similar function). But I used to go to a mixed-sex tepid pool for preference anyway; it wasn't covered but it was warm year-round. Nothing as handsome as Birmingham had.

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A Wonderful Old Building

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