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pastafreak | 14:47 Tue 24th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
...has suddenly changed from black type on white background to white on black.
I touched nothing...I swear!
Any idea how to change it back.


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PC,Phone or ipad?
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Samsung tablet.
Click the gear icon near top right & toggle the "Dark Mode" switch - should do it.
^^Ah, now I've no idea if you see what I do, sorry pasta :-(
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Ahaaaahh...I just ticked some battery saver options a while ago. That must be it...who'd of thought.
Thanks mamya xx
Well done Mamya.

Back to bed for me... ;-)
Question Author
I wish I could give 2 best answers...the solution was a combo of both suggestions.
Thanks Lie-in King and Mamya ♡
Just happy it's solved.x
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Has the King gone off to sulk...? ;0
Under t'sideboard probably.
Wondered why my ears were burning...

Under t'sideboard indeed! I was having a carefully-rationed sarnie, I'll have you know...

Yes, glad it's sorted, pasta & Mamya should have the besty :-)
Question Author
I'm sure he'll recover...
"He" can hear you both, you know...

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