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A Nice Warm Soak In The Bath Takes Away All Your Worries

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Bobbisox1 | 16:19 Sat 04th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Trouble, I felt I Should be getting ready to out :0(


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Heard something o TV last night, a lady writer - she said she was finding it hard to concentrate on anything as she kept thinking she'd left a pan on the stove.

It's that strange limbo like feeling.
I know what she means, it's feeling you should be doing something else, Even if in normal circumstances you would be sitting at home doing very little anyway.
Exactly, I don't go out much but it has still got me feeling like that.
I'm finding it very hard to concentrate on many things including work atm. My head is all over the place.
I'm glad I'm not the only one- I was getting worried about my scattiness. What a strange limbo like existence this is. You really have to hang on to what you know - or believe! - is real.

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