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When Did A Charivari Change From A Brattle Of Disapproval To A Chorus...

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sandyRoe | 00:29 Fri 10th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Of approval?


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I take a brattle to be a non-human noise (like a rattle) and a chorus to be a human one (or at dawn, an avian one). Could it depend on which species you're talking to?
Good point,, twas once called "ran tanning", along with many other terms.

I recall from being about 11 being woken on holiday at a holiday camp and everyone was banging their pots and pans in anticipation of a good day.
Was it ever indicative of disapproval?
More an expression of disapprroval or humiliation.
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I think in Victorian times it was.
If the neighbours were outside your door rattling their pots and pans they were signalling they wanted you out.
Rough music.
I thought a charivari was a joyous party like cacophony.
Never heard of a brattle tho.
Oxford Dictionary of English:
charivari: noun - a cacophonous mock serenade, typically performed by a group of people in derision of an unpopular person
Interesting too that even 700 or so years on kitchenware is still often involved.
I remember the term from circuses when I were a lad last century, I can remember a parade led by the white face clown in the pointy hat playing a trumpet, with clowns honking horns and bands and whips cracking etc...
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If the word now rightly describes our expressing of our approval of the courage of NHS workers I'm all for it.
Absolutely, applause,bang your pan lids or even quiet praise for all who are working hard to help.
I just try to support one of my sons who is a carer and in a tricky environment.
He's good at his job, skilful and compassionate, but sadly underpaid as they all are.
I thought charivari were octopus legs or somesuch foreign muck.
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Are you thinking of Calamari?
That'll be it. Same thing innit.
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'Up to a point, Lord Cooper. Up to a point.'
Lol, you can tell me I'm wrong, Sandy. Up to a point.

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