//Nj, The alternative is to keep people safe until a vaccine is found.//
The chances of that happening at all are remote. The chances of it happening before the country goes skint are nil.
//"So you'd like to see people die NJ?"//
Of course. I’d love to see them keeling over by the million. Please don’t be ridiculous, woofy. I’m trying to stimulate a debate because at the moment there is none. “We must all stay indoors” is about all that I hear and quite frankly that will cause far more damage than it cures.
//The mothballing was because of lack of nurses (Brexit sent them all home).//
So did they all go home in the last seven weeks? If not (as I suspect is the case), why did they build the hospitals knowing there were no nurses to staff them?
The government cannot protect everybody from everything. The lockdown has seen >30,000 deaths and has not, in my opinion been a success compared to the damage it has caused. Nor have similar, or even harsher measures in Spain and Italy. It’s said to have flattened the curve but nobody knows whether it has. They only know the curve has flattened. We’re told by the PM that we are past the peak but the numbers of new cases and deaths seem to cast doubt on that. Less than 1% of the deaths have been among people under 40. It is absolutely ludicrous that many of those people should continue to be paid by the government to stay at home. The science behind the hasty decision to impose the lockdown needs to be properly scrutinised; a much greater emphasis on the economy is need when determining the next steps and a radical change of direction is needed if permanent damage is not to follow.