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Such A Beautiful Day Today

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Bobbisox1 | 08:14 Sun 19th Jul 2020 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Blue sky and warm, I love days like this


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This mornings news has left me feeling very flat, then to see her brother on FB was heartbreaking, I've bought her a bracelet with an inscription inside saying The love between Mother and daughter is forever, I know some neighbours have sent flowers and that's lovely but I don't want her house to be full of flowers for such a sad reason so I opted for the bracelet to be sent to her
This might cheer you up Bobbi. Ted has just been on his first proper walk round the fields. He’s nackered. He met a Boxer dog who was very respectful.
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Aww Zac he's just gorgeous and getting quite a big boy now :0)
Aww he's getting to the leggy stage now. He's lovely.
So sorry to read about your friend Bobbi x
Yes, his legs are waiting for his body to catch up! He was off the lead for most of the walk and just stayed near us, responding to “this way” if we were a bit worried. He’s a star and doing his uncle Zac’s memory proud.

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That's amazing to be called to order so young ,he's going to be a quick learner

I can not imagine what she's going through right now ILM
Thank you
Good boy.

You're welcome Bobbi.
Hard to better a day like this. Also, my sister sent a short video of new black lab. pup 'Buddy' exploring the stables and discovering that drinking tea from other people's mugs is neither advisable or easy and that if he investigates a bowl of horse-food and tries to eat the grain therein a large muzzle will descend and edge him out. He's 8 weeks old and a much-needed pleasure for us all after a sad time with preceding dog. He'll have 5 acres to roam, horses and another dog to play with. That pup is in for a very good life. Nice feeling.
Sounds like Buddy will have an amazing life. Glad to hear that his owners aren’t mollycoddling him and letting him explore.
Sorry, Bobbisox, just read the rest of the posts.
Z-M they have had dogs and horses ( & chickens etc., etc.) for the last 30 years; young Buddy will be just fine - as long as a horse doesn't stand on him accidentally!

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