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A Falling Branch

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pastafreak | 16:34 Tue 25th Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
...just attacked me. A screech and a stumble from one came to my aide though. :(
I'm in one stunned for a few seconds, but I don't think I'll even have a sore head.
Just be careful out there folks.


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No wind here Pasta , assuming the wind caused the branch to break?
Pleased you're unhurt
Gosh you were lucky not to be hurt,the suddenness of something like that is scary.
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It's very windy here Bobbi...and branches are always coming down in the park. This one looked was just waiting for the right gust to snap.
It is scarey mamya...3 seconds are spent checking all bits are working :)
Glad you're ok, Pasta :-)
I've just called the special branch (a trunk call) and they said leaf it with them and they will get bark to you
Glad you're okay, is scary. One windy day many years ago I was in my parked car with local radio playing. They did a little....your stars for today... section. Just as it got to Gemini and told me that I would be showered with gifts from above a hefty branch fell onto my car...... :-(
We've had one tree down and a good few broken branches so we're staying well away from the edges of our land.
One could say that you were visited by Special Branch pastafreak, but that would be crass.
Sussex coast .. It is blowing a hooly right now. Constantly above a force eight. Fences and trees down.
Don't leave home or you will loose your wig.
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I see I'm attracting a lot of 'groaners' lol...thanks ;)
Glad you survived the attack, pasta.

I've also (in the past, not today) been walking near to a big oak tree in a strong wind when I heard "Crack - bang", just like that, no time at all between the crack and the bang, as the tree sized branch crashed into the ground from around 15 feet up. It would have killed anybody under it. The speed was shocking. So, do take care out there!
Glad you are alright Pasta, we had it windy here. Nothing too big came down though, just a very wet sock from next door in our garden.
That must have been a shock.

We've trees down all round here. And the electricity isn't being very dependable either. Reckon we'll be cut off by the morning. But Tescos made it thru before the top road got shut so we have supplies!!!

(For supplies read gin and wine).
Barmaid - absolutely vital supplies!! ;)

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