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Change Your Name On Ab

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ImLostAgain | 22:12 Fri 25th Sep 2020 | How it Works
19 Answers
Is it possible to shorten my name on this site without losing my history?


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Doubtful but worth emailing the Editor.

Not usually around over weekend though.
Question Author
Cheers Mamyalynne.
Only if you persuade the Ed to do it for you as a personal favour. Seven years ago there was a 'username amnesty', where members were invited to submit the names that they'd like to be known by in the future ( ) but since then the various Eds that we've had have been reluctant to endorse any name changes.
If you deactivate the username 'ImLostAgain' will keep their history and then you could rejoin with a new name.
I'm sure the ED would allow a change of name only in exceptional circumstances and I doubt that wanting to shorten it would be exceptional.
You could just declare that you've changed your screen name to say, ILA, emphasising that it's NOT pronounced


That's taken.
I'm glad to say that I do not consider the history of my postings on a site such as this to be of any great significance, important in the scheme of things, and worth worrying about.
Question Author
Ok, thanks all. I'll keep it as it is. I just wish I hadn't chosen a long name.
Re: my history, I'm getting forgetful and I pop in to my history to remind myself what subject(s) I've been talking about.
Thanks again.
I wish more people would do that, ILA.
i frequently go into my history to reminisce about my best answers
Have you got some, ael?? ;-)
That's an interesting list Chris, it looks like only about half of those were actually changed to me.
//Have you got some, ael?? ;-)//
approaching a thousand pixie, sadly only five abers will be allowed to the lavish, no expense spared party :-)

There's an Islay Walk in Corby. One of my former supervisors always insisted it was pronounced Izlay...
Oh :-((
>>> it looks like only about half of those were actually changed to me

Yes, I've noticed that too. Very confusing!
I can't even get in my profile - it takes so long it times out.
I raised this subject here

It's not even on the back burner
May be if it's not taken hahaha
Thanks have a nice day.

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