That may be your interpretation of it, but I am sure it is not theirs (and, even if it were, then it would be disgusting if they had let such emotions enter into a legal argument).
She has, as I say, one legal avenue left open to her, and that would presumably be decided, as and when it is ever heard, on the narrow issue of whether the decision left her stateless. The SC Judgement appears to accept as a matter of fact that Begum is not, and holds Bangladeshi citizenship; or, perhaps it was not open to them to make a finding on that matter. Since the Bangladeshi government has also expressed no desire to let her in or grant her citizenship, then perhaps her appeal would be successful.
But, even then, it comes back to our discussion about what David Davis's point was: if Begum ever is let back into the country, it can only be to face justice and certain imprisonment. I don't see how it can, or, more importantly, should, be otherwise.