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Dinner for 4

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larkin | 14:58 Thu 07th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Got friends coming for dinner tomorrow night and need inspiration what to cook. Anyone have any wow ideas. Something fairly quick and simple but yummy !! Everyone eats everything and has no allergies !


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Baked Cod With Avocado, Prawns, Cream and Cheese

Extra virgin olive oil
Salt n pepper
2 x 225g/8oz cod fillets
Handful of fresh basil leaves, ripped
1 avocado, peeled, stoned, halved and sliced
150g/5.5 oz good peeled prawns
140ml/5fl oz double cream
150g/5.5oz good cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 220�c/425�f/gas 7.
Rub a baking dish or roasting tray with oil.
Season fish on both sides and place in dish.
Sprinkle the avocado, prawns and basil over the fillets.
Drizzle over the cream and grate over the cheese.

Cook at top of oven for 15-20 minutes till golden brown and bubbling.
Season again with salt n pepper to taste.

Nice with simple green salad,
Singapore Laksa - a curry noodle soup. I don't have my recipe on me, but you basically make a paste of: tamarind paste, shallots, turmeric, chili & garlic, fry it in a large pan, add chicken stock & coconut milk, simmer, add prawns / chicken, galangal / ginger, lemon grass & kaffir lime leaves, then noodles. Ingredients from supermarket. Sainsbury's do a lemon grass / galangal / kaffir lime leaf combo pack.

found this recipe on the net: gaporelaksa.html
Get a large salmon joint, wrap it up in a big piece of silver foil with a glass of white wine and bake it in a medium oven for about 30 mins. Should come away easily from the bone. Serve with roast veg, new pots and nice bread and lots of white wine. Have Eton mess for afters-break up shop bought merangues in lots of whipped cream and add fresh fruit- kiwi, mango, blackberries, strawberries etc. Yum.
try beef in red wine saucewith loads of roast veg,red onion,spuds,baby carots,sweet peppers,butter nut,parsnip oh god i feel hungry now.
was at a friends for dinner last weekend and she served homemade lasagne with mixed salad and breads. This meant it could all be prepared before hand (even night before) and just heated up so friend could still enjoy time chatting with us rather than being too busy in kitchen. She also made yummy pavlova (seemingly the night before) and had popped fresh cream and raspberries on it in the afternoon. All had a lovely night.
normandy chicken.

fry off some bacon, onion and mushroom, remove from pan and fry off some chicken joints.

add everything to a casserole dish, add 1/2 pint chicken stock, 1/2 pint cider, bay leaf and garlic if you want.

stick in oven (180-220) for 45mins to 1 1/2 hrs. remove and stir in creme fraiche and 1 tbsp dijon mustard. yummy.
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Thanks folks . Good ideas all round :-D

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