Crosswords2 mins ago
Donald Trump On China
In office, out of office, the only man to consistently stand up to China. Do you agree they must pay for what they have done?
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/worl d/14460 68/Dona ld-Trum p-news- GOP-ral ly-Nort h-Carol ina-10- trillio n-dolla r-China -pay-co vid-vn
I agree. China should pay reparations.
13:00 Sun 06th Jun 2021
hi jno
what does the FT says about Trumps latest
last imported case
https:/ / eanswer .uk/New s/Quest ion1746 528-1.h tml
escape was
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/1978_ smallpo x_outbr eak_in_ the_Uni ted_Kin gdom
up one vent ( direction of suction) and then down another against flow - the Prof of virology Beddoes committed suicide
what does the FT says about Trumps latest
last imported case
escape was
up one vent ( direction of suction) and then down another against flow - the Prof of virology Beddoes committed suicide
from the article
here is the person who made the diagnosis
"The last smallpox case in Birmingham, UK, caused by a lab infection in 1978, was initially misdiagnosed by 3 physicians,"
god his colleagues must have loved him. and the little fella goes on to make an international career out of - yes - that one case!
here is the person who made the diagnosis
"The last smallpox case in Birmingham, UK, caused by a lab infection in 1978, was initially misdiagnosed by 3 physicians,"
god his colleagues must have loved him. and the little fella goes on to make an international career out of - yes - that one case!
I have just come across this Spectator article from 29th May by Matt Ridley, one of the sub-headlines is, 'Just because Donald Trump thought that the virus came out of a lab, does not mean it did not'
https:/ /www.sp ectator article /the-co vid-lab -leak-t heory-i s-looki ng-incr easingl y-plaus ible