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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:50 Tue 29th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
morning all, its another early start, but i have slept ok, so its on with the day,
i hope that your day is a good one whatever you may have planned.


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Yes I’ll just pop to To our local chemists and get her some Piriton when it opens at 9 , I’ve read online and it’s one of the better ones to give a dog
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hopefully it works.

i have been trying to buy some shorts for summer, went on amazon and there was 40,000 entries, lol... i want like long Bermuda style as they suit me better. I found some but as always no idea if they will fit as with all things.
I get most of mine from Asda’s George Emmie
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i need larger size as i aint no slim chicken anymore. i did order from Amazon and will see how they fit. I usually buy from Cotton Traders but they haven't the ones i want in my size.
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i have ordered one pair of shorts with George at Asda, not too expensive either.
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thanks for the tip off about asda, bobbi - lets hope they fit -
Good morning all!
Hoping for some high pressure for the weather.
Take care.
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morning Chip
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take care chip, have a good day
Morning all. a reasonable day forecast here and 19°C...heady stuff. Got to catch up on things from yesterday afternoon, a zoom meeting with the NHS/Home/Cornwall SS over my mother's eligibility for potential NHS contributions to her upkeep lasted 3.25 hours against the forecasted 60-90 minutes...not least the Home didn't have the right person out until the manageress stepped in. Some of the questioning was also a bit repetitive and micro-detailed and that didn't help.
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morning Dtc
Good morning .all
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sounds stressful dtc.
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morning Danny
okay, ablutions are calling - have a lovely day and enjoy the tennis and football...will England play like Andy Murray did yesterday evening - it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
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don't know Dtc, but have a feeling England will go out. have a good day,
Good morning everybody
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morning Paddy

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Good Morning Early Birds

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