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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:52 Thu 02nd Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
85 Answers
morning, another early start but i don't mind, i hope that things are well with you, and if you have anything going on today, it works out well. I have nothing in the calendar, but that might change, will see what the weather does, as it's been jolly cold and overcast. I had a nice lunch yesterday with my friend in the local tavern.


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It's a lot of money really but I often wonder how much it costs them per week to rent a chair.
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no idea, but my friends who used to go to my old hairdressers Marc miss him terribly, his prices were fair by and large.
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and he was local too, literally across the road from where i live.
you could do it on the app LCG if he can't find the paperwork.
im ok thanks, just when i've been off noone oes my work in my absence so i'll have a massive pile
of work that is :)

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Good Morning Early Birds

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