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baby food

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gina32 | 18:05 Tue 29th Aug 2006 | Parenting
8 Answers
can anyone please tell me how to get baby food stains out of clothes because im not having any success

many thanks


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Apart from things like Oxy Spray, which is a bit of a hit or miss I'm afraid I've never found anything which does get them out.

Luckily most of my toddler's clothes are cheap and cheerful so I'm not all that bothered, they get too messy, I throw them away.

Will keep an eye on your post though to see if anyone else has any sure fire methods.
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i agree with you about them being cheap but not all of them are, sometimes children have more expensive clothes
deffo ACE bleach used to work when my 2 were messy babes.
The best thing I ever discovered is sunlight! Especially for carrot/tomato based stains - hang it on the line after washing & check back in a few hours & 9 out of 10 stains have gone!
I had this problem. The labels on many clothes say it whould be washed at 40 degrees but I've now learned that a 50 degree cycle does it better and the clothes don't seem to have shrunk or anything.

I have this whizzo stain stick thing that I think we got out of the Betterware or Kleeneze catalogue that comes with those wash ball things. That works an absoloute treat.

But one good way is, if practical, whip the item of clothing off them, pull the stained area taut and run under a really really hot tap, then shove in the wash. This works a treat with strawberry stains and blood, even if the top has been festering in the laundry bin for a few days.
try a product called shout and oxi ulta plus.use together.and i can assure it will remove the toughest of stains.
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thanks ive tried everything else so i'll give it a whirl
Most baby foods contain at least some natural ingredients ... the only component in a wash detergent that is designed & intended to remove "natural" stains are the enzymes ... if you are using a "sensitive" detergent then these do not contain enzymese ... this is why they are classed as "sensitive" ... but they make removing food/poo/vomit etc much harder /// ...

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