//We the UK cannot make any difference no matter what we do//
Which of course is the most valid point of all. The UK could reduce its "carbon emissions" to zero tomorrow and it would make not the slightest difference to the problem at all. The notion that we must do all we can in order to encourage others to do the same is a ridiculous notion. Most of the biggest so-called polluters have absolutely no intention whatsoever of changing their habits at all. When the end of this ludicrous jamboree in Glasgow comes that situation will not have changed. A few nice dinners will have been gorged, a lot of handshaking and hugging will take place, a few "accords" will be signed, a lot of grandstanding will go on. Then they'll all go home and the big polluters will go on polluting on the same grand scale. Meanwhile the idiot that masquerades as the Prime Minister of this country will continue his (or rather his wife's) strategy of bankrupting individuals, businesses and the economy to reduce our 1%.