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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:47 Sat 06th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
84 Answers
morning, Saturday already and the week has flown by. I hope that you are all well and that your day is a good one. I have no plans for the day, but that can change dependent on the weather.
Yesterday was cold and crisp, so perhaps today will see the same. I Have been invited to the local church function on Sunday, where you bring something to eat to share, so plumped for sausage rolls and quiche, a staple at these do's. So am looking forward to that.


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London and not busy in the same sentence???
Knowing our luck there’ll be a demo probably with Gully and Greta waving their banners , haha
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never thought of that, i am having to get the bus down to waterloo and walk the rest of the way, fingers crossed no demo's this time.
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if i get stuck on the bus i won't be best pleased that's for sure, because some numpty has blocked the road.
Good morning all!
Last night was full of load fireworks, I expect tonight will be too.
Take care and look after pets and wildlife.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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