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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:54 Tue 16th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
118 Answers
morning, Tuesday already, the days are rapidly going by, i am somewhat earlier than normal as i can't get back to sleep. So i am not sure if anyone is awake at this hour, but if you are and can't sleep, keep me company perhaps...... i hope that your day is a good one and that you are all well as can be.


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Morning folks
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morning Bobbi
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morning Chip, Minty
morning Chip xx Bobbi xx
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anyone have plans for the day?
Bits and bobs to do for my party next Sunday Emmie x
doggy walk if it is dry and not toooo BBRR!
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what party Bobbi?
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do you walk a friends dog Minty...
yes emmie they have 2 cocker spaniels Belle and Honey..they think they are babies !
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how sweet...
My 75th Emmie, it was delayed a week because of our friend Michael’s memorial
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i see, good luck with the party.
It’s more a ‘drop in’ starting at 2 pm and going on from there , at my local pub

Belle and Honey with Friend's hubby
hope you have a lovely night Bobbi xx
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it will be a good day im sure Bobbi....
time to get on have a great day folks xx

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Good Morning Early Birds

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