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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:46 Sun 21st Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
99 Answers
morning, Sunday and the weekend is almost over... I hope that you are as well as can be and that your day is a good one. I am meeting up with a friend for coffee later, which will be nice, do you have any plans for the day?


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You do make me laugh bobbi. What a scatterbrain ... in the nicest possible way. :o)
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shame our meeting was so short Bobbi, perhaps another time if there is one, i could show you my local which is a smashing little pub, they don't however do grey goose or coffee....
Haha @ you both
I am what you say Naomi :0)))

My reputation for the old GG precedes me Emmie :0)))
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it does Bobbi, lol
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they have a whole shelf of vodkas, not just the usual smirnoff, and also a fine selection of whisky's, for a small pub they do a roaring trade.
Sounds nice, it’s a date ;0)
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i should buy shares in the pub, they have good staff, welcoming and friendly, the owner is a bit offish at times, but in honesty she lets her staff get on with it.
Checking in late this morning as only just up - was late last night and managed to walk off with the keys - however am back later.....
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morning Dtc, late on parade
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ok dtc...
had the darts yesterday, one in each arm, not too bad - was a little achy at 1 this morning and the covid one (Pfizer) had swollen up slightly. Not too bad this morning so far....
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at least you had them done...
the surgery was buzzing - or should I say the two surgeries in the health centre as they combine resources - probably some 15 folk playing the role of vampires and they were looking to stab 1200 of us in the day....this time, they were asking more questions and there was a 15 minute rest time for those who had been double-jabbed.
And this reminds me to Google the health passport later! May as well get one as I think it's coming.
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did you get your pension problem sorted out?
Nope - called them last Tuesday a.m. and she moved it up as v.urgent and then said they have 48 hours to pick up the message. Nothing there so called back Thursday afternoon to then be told it could take up to working days, so as of yesterday, 2 down and 3 to go, nothing so far - could really do with the cash injection as I have my car payment to cover as well as the bill for moving out....on that front, more on Tuesday morning.
NHS health app as to Covid sorted out re a QR code but only valid for a month.
right, time to go hunting down a Sunday DT and a coffee....have a good one, Emmie xx
Good morning all!
Unbelievably sunny hereabouts.
Take care

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Good Morning Early Birds

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