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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:30 Mon 22nd Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
113 Answers
morning, Monday already and the start of the working week for some. I hope that you are all as well as can be and that your day is a good one. I have an online shop to sort later but that's it for the day. Anybody have plans for the day?


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thank god he didn't have a knife though and they got the bat off more charge to the pile I guess in possession of an offensive weapon to go with attempted burglary, GBH/GBH with intent, unlawful entry, drug usage and possession.
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i hope they throw the book at him, piece of scum...
God! That's awful, DTC. How frightening!
well the police did say gaol time....whether that happens though.....
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so how was the birthday bash yesterday Bobbi?
okay, that's the morning nuptials done - now to find a DT and a coffee. House looking later!

Have a good one all.
Hope today goes well DTC x
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bye dtc, have a good day
Very enjoyable thanks, 3 school-friends were there and the place was jumping, we had a great day x
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that's good Bobbi, glad you all had a good time.
Good Morning All!
Looks like a fine start, let's hope it ends that way.

Take care
Suffering a little bit this morning haha ,not with a hangover more to do with aching legs, I’ve not danced for so long for ages
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morning Chip, take care.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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