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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:34 Thu 25th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
morning, Thursday already, the days are whizzing by. I hope that you are all well and in good spirits. Anything planned for the day?


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^^ haha @DT
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very good dtc,
Good morning.
Morning Naomi
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morning Naomi
Hiya. Not liking reports of 80 mph winds heading our way. Windy weather is the worst!
Well if it wasn’t the waterworks being my problem ( doctors yesterday) it’s my hip joint this morning, being 75 ain’t what it’s cracked up to be after all :0)))
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did you see the doc Bobbi... she he confirm what you thought. and no it ain't good at times, i know. My X Ray appointment is on 6th December. Can't wait to have it done.
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its cold but clear up here - no winds as yet..
Yes, I rang up and was told to go down at 11which I did, first thing the Doctor said was I like your mask ( pink bling) haha, and it was as I thought, a UTI, I’ve got 3 days of antibiotics to take
Morning naomi xx reports of up to sixty mph for down here on Saturday
2nd attempt.
Good morning all!!
Looks nice out.
Take care
Morning Chip
Morning Chip - nothing personal but time for me to be moving, a raid on Trurra in needing more rations and fuel
so have a good one, all
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morning Chip, bye Dtc, have a good day..
Morning everyone. Bright and sunny here. Have a few things to do, sort out the Xmas cards that need to go to Australia(no idea how long they will take to get there!), drop off a few things somewhere, try not to trip over either of these manic kittens all day!, do some clothes washing, general stuff! X

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Good Morning Early Birds

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