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skylight | 23:34 Sat 16th Sep 2006 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
Hi Tbird, Going hols 2morrow for 3 weeks , will leave all the gardening questions in your capable hands..You usually beat me to it anyway. Will have a drink for you. cheers skylight


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O'h Hi Skylight, I was a bit startled to see my name in red, I wondered what I'd done wrong for a minute (guilty conscious, I guess) Hope you have a great holiday but I'll look forward to your return and all your useful advice, help and support!!!!! I feel we are like kindered spirits and I shall raise a glass of dud or three to you tonight! All the Best Tbird+
I meant Bud. dyslexia rules KO :-)
...and I'll still be here toddling around behind Tbird, sweeping up leaves & doing a spot of weeding......

tut..... get all the good jobs I do....
I hope Skylight see's your pic befere the off!
That looks like the Nimbus 2000, Robinia. If I hear a russle in the bushes I'll know your close :-0
hahaha - just one of many I've had to confiscate from the local whippersnappers..... in the interest of safety you undestand :o)

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