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What More Do I Want

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pastafreak | 20:56 Tue 21st Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
At my daughters...she's in one room finishing a work presentation, her partner is in the kitchen chopping, mixing, cooking, I've got a warm little cat on my lap and a glass of sparkling red within reach. I'm a happy bunny.


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Sounds perfect, all you hoped for, enjoy x
Did you get a babysitter for Toby?
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Thanks Bobbi.
I'm finally seeing their lovely little flat. They've done such a good job on it. I'd happily live here. I'm so proud of both of them.
Does sound perfect:-). I'm watching Love Actually, surrounded by snoring dogs, while my son is doing spaghetti for slow cooked bolognese.
But have to work from 10... lol.
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Yes wolf. He went into hiding last night...straight under the sofa. No eating and no litter tray over night...nor did he eat what I left for him.
I'll try not to be a worried moggy mum.
Happy pre-Noel....don't forget to raid their Advent calendar...
Just to remember though is what happened to the man who stole an advent calendar?

He got 25 days
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(As it's Advent now) - The Essex gal goes to the Bethlehem Premier Inn......
She demands to see the manger
pasta - I have to admit that I don't have an advent calendar this year and what with the move 'Up-County' things have been some what chaotic.

So I'm just opening cupboards and eating whatever is in there.....
Pasta, you deserve to be looked after…… enjoy :-)
Glad you're at your daughter's place.
Enjoy x
sorry to hear you haven't got any chocolate, pasta, but I suppose we must all make the best of what little we have :-)
glad you made it Pasta - a good story to hear of. Have a great time. Are you there for a week or a few days?

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What More Do I Want

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