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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:39 Sat 15th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
morning, Saturday and the weekend starts here. I hope that you are all as well as can be and that your day is a good one. Anyone have plans for the day?


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i am off out to meet a mate for coffee around 10.30/11,00 so that's nice...
need to restock bird feeders they are voracious at the moment..costing me a fortune..the price of peanuts etc has rocketed !
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but think of the poor birdies Minty... they might not have much to eat at this time of the year....
I know emmie..I only do the feeders over the winter months as there is plenty in the good weather
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i was being a little bit cheeky, but it's good you care about them.....
like feeding time at the zoo of a morning assorted cats..birds..hedgies..oh
Good morning all!
Freezing fog out there today.
A good day for staying put in my book.
Take car
Okay - time to be and DT to come, enjoy your café out, emmie...the one thing st Awful has is a good bakery-café chain when it comes to bread and coffee.

Have a good day.
It'll not take too long to go out to refill the feeders though!
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morning Chip, take care
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bye Dtc, have a good day, don't work too hard
morning chip xx byeee DT xx

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Good Morning Early Birds

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