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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:45 Wed 26th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
morning, Wednesday already, mid week and the days are passing quickly. I Hope that you are as well as can be and that your day is a pleasant one.


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chilly here today BBRRR.. need to pop into nearest town and pay a few bills... shopping tomorrow... quick tidy round but not much else on...
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forecast is for another cloudy day, a high of 7, what's it like where you are?
Good morning everybody.
on a side note.. many of you know that I have a paranormal group.. welllllll.... via that I have connected with a very high profile criminal /para psychologist who has had lots of dealings with serial killers..profiling them visiting in jail on death row.. corresponding with..and he was even witness to Ted Bundy's execution following lengthy dealings with him personally prior to him being fried... what an interesting guy..we are arranging a meeting when he comes over to Edinburgh next year to do some courses at the uni here ! so looking forward to that..bit gruesome but that world fascinates me !!
morning Paddy xx

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morning Paddy

i am going to continue watching series 5 of Line of Duty,
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does sound interesting Minty,
I will need to do a bit of research for that meeting...might learn a few things !!
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sure you will Minty...
morning Paddy....

Time for me to be moving - start the expedition for the day soon...have a good one all. You'll be reading criminology at Uni soon, minty...
byee DT xx lol would not mind that !!
criminology and forensics.....the fingerprint for a future life.
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bye dtc, have a good day
me get moving ..see you later..have a good one xx
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bye Minty, have a good day
MM that sounds fascinating!!
Btw just went downstairs and both kittens have managed to get their surgical bodysuits off!! After much struggling I’ve managed to get them back on but if they get them off again I might have to resort to just having the plastic collars on them, which I didn’t want to do as all cats loathe them….. shall see how the morning pans out!
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see how they go on smow,
Good morning all!
Chilly, here but no frost.
Take good care, as always.
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morning Chip
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you take care too chip

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Good Morning Early Birds

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