That article is to weird and inhumane!! Generally speaking the answer is no!! however they will attempt to fly and run around but that's simply nerves that have not yet died, this can go on for a few minutes.
RATTER is right, I remember as a small child watching in horror when my uncle killed chickens. They would do a grotesque dance of death around the farmyard for what seemed like hours. He tried to reassure me by saying they were dead but that the nerves were still hanging on.
Well, there goes my faith in Wikipedia as a reference library.
The ear of a chicken - as with all birds - is inside the head so it is impossible to remain seperate from the head. It is also impossible for a headless chicken to walk, as their balance organ is no longer there. It is a bogus story.
i agree with BOO. Most ppl beleive its a urbanmyth because they havent seen it for themselves. but just because u cnt see, hear, touch or taste. doesnt mean its not there