Hi dummkopf,
I'm not sure how sucsessful cttings are with your Pieris, but another form of propagation that I would like to recomend, is simple Layering :- Take a low growing branch which will easily bend to meet the ground and cut a small tongue in the under -side of the branch, remove any leaves around the wound, scoop out about 11/2- 2" of soil and peg it down with a U shaped piece of wire, put a peble over the where you have burried it and train the tipe of the branch (optional) up on a cain. It sould take about a year to root before you can remove it and is best done in early summer but you could try it now.
Alternativly sow seed under glass inspring but it may not come true to the variety if you do this. Good Luck Tbird+