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Word Of The Day: Bifrost. Would You Have Known It?

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sandyRoe | 14:42 Fri 08th Jul 2022 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It's new to me. The bridge from Asgard to Earth, apparently.


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That's a new one to me too. Must try to work it into a conversation one of these days lol
Well, unless you're up on your Norse Myth', why would you?
Haven't you seen all the Thor films? There's a new one out ...
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You'd have a job to place it into a conversation.
It'll be one of those words we know but never use.
Blazing Thaddles?
Anyone who's seen a Thor movie knows all about the Bifrost. Norse mythology is a great read. More fantastical than the Greeks and Roman myths, and more humorous than the Egyptians.
Know very little about Norse mythology and had to look up Asgard. There's a lovely drawing of the bridge on Google - it's like a rainbow.
Like a IS a rainbow.
Aye, very inclusive those old Norsemen.
Indeed. It is known as the "Rainbow Bridge".

Been I while since I read the Norse myths (I collected the Thor comics in the 1980s and got into the mythology back then) but I believe it was destroyed by the dragon, Fafnir during Ragnarok.
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The width of knowledge displayed by ABers never ceases to amaze me.
Must have a wee rootle around in Norse mythology. Did Greek mythology at school and loved it.
If you want to brush up on Norse myth, a tad, just watch the excellent series Vikings. Plenty of Odins, and Thors and Valhallas:-)
Was wondering if this was the origin of the expression "cross the rainbow bridge" when a pet dies? Just my idle musings.
It could be, Maggie. The Bifrost doesn't have anything to do with Valhalla and the afterlife in the Norse myths, but it might be the inspiration for the phrase. I just took it as meaning they've gone to a better, more vibrant and colourful place. Kind of like Oz! ;-)
Yip, that makes sense Mozz.
I thought these guys were the Asgard

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