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maggiebee | 13:11 Wed 24th Aug 2022 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
TikTok video showing Kate and two of the Cambridge kids on an economy flight goes viral. What's this obsession with royalty? Does anyone really give a flying fig about how they fly or is this just a response to criticism about personal jets?


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You're interested enough to post about them.
Budget flights or not their carbon footprint must be enormous. The royal family of this country is ludicrously overblown.
The only News I want to hear is "The Royal family is gone".
Obviously I’m not sure Maggie, but I wonder did they sit near ordinary people ?
What on earth could they talk about?. ? New homes maybe ?
all the surrounding seats were probably occupied by their close protection officers!
Any article with a picture of her is fine by me.
// The only News I want to hear is "The Royal family is gone".//
the only news I want to her is

"The three little darlings of The Royal family are having a wonderful time, building sand castles and trying to bury each other. This game is called in the palace: state funerals. Kate could be heard giving the Princes and princess a Right royal rollicking over....".
yeah foo
royal opener
heavens arent rents high these days....
lithping to Daddy
when shall I be King dilly dilly....

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