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The New Prime Minister - The Truth!

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wolf63 | 15:09 Wed 07th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
There are many, similar, pictures online, but I think that this one is pretty true.

Have you seen any other pics that are in the same vein?



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Thanks, Wolfie ;-)

Irrespective of any party political views, I think that anyone who takes on the role of PM in the current economic climate is extremely likely to need rescuing within just a few months ;-)
poison chalice and you will forever have a target on your back
i guess thet must like the power and not worried about life after pm.
Very good :-)
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I don't understand why anyone would want to be a politician. None of them leaves the post with their integrity intact.

All the government need to do is ask the political experts on social media for their advice on how to run the country.

Larry for PM!

Saw a good one on the HIGNFY Instagram page.
It had a picture of that block-spiral lectern in Downing St that had the caption:

Despite speculation, awkward wooden thing outside No 10 is
NOT Liz Truss, says govt.

Nice picture - and that one has nine lives too. ;o)
If they're not providing a good cat service they must go. Larry takes no prisoners.
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I didn't realise that Larry is 15, he doesn't look his age.


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Hopkirk, that would do the policeman with the gun out of a job. :-)

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The New Prime Minister - The Truth!

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