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What I Don't Understand About.......................

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10ClarionSt | 10:41 Sat 11th Feb 2023 | News
49 Answers
......the missing woman case in Lancashire, is why the police are going to such lengths and putting so much into this case, when they wouldn't normally do that. Do they know something that they're not revealing? Don't get me wrong though, it's good that the police are making such a big effort, but they wouldn't normally go to these lenghts in a missing persons case would they? Why is this one different?


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I heard on the radio the police are investigating after they saw two mysterious men on a local CCTV camera, could be a line of enquiry.
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Thanks again folks. I watched the Ch5 programme but didn't think it said anything that we didn't already know, so, apart from raising the profile of the case, I couldn't see the point of it.

There are still things about this case that haven't been mentioned at all, things that the police would normally inform the public about. I'm sticking with my theory, which I've had from day one.
//On Jan 27th last year, a man fell into the River Trent. Police divers searched the area and found nothing and they left it at that. 2 months later he was found dead further downstream.//

They knew what had happened to him … and therein lies the difference.
I feel for her children ..may never know what happened.
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Mmmm. Maybe but there are other cases that don't get this much involvement from the police. Maybe Lancs police have a different approach than other forces.
It's getting a lot of press coverage, certainly.
Not sure how anyone can tell that there is extra police attention.
Hundreds of people a day don't go missing in those circumstances I would say.
I hope the police have searched all the premises on that caravan park. Most caravan parks are closed at this time of the year and so they probably won't get any response from some of the caravans and may assume there is nobody there and go away without searching.
It appears we know why there has been so much police activity over Nicola Bulleys disappearance. Police say she is classed as high risk as she has 'a number of vulnerabilities '. Police won't elaborate.

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