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Cryptic Bird Clues

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sarahmasters | 20:10 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | Animals & Nature
34 Answers

Wholesale turkey massacre? (6,4,4)

Singing duo; aquatic bird in Belgian warzone (8,3,5)

Tricky tongiue-twister! (8,7)

A strange crew! (3,3,3,3,8)

A helping hand for two seabirds? (3,4,4,8,7)

A queue of birds (7,5)

This dark bird is for the chopper! (5,4,4)

University Challenge high flier (5-7)

Definitely not using a satnav (2,3,4,5)

Chinese-speaking dish? (8,4)

Ex-messenger (7)

Presidential spouse (4,4,7)

Helpless on a chair (7,4)

Keep dancing! (5,4,4,8)

An uplifting message (4,4,6,2)

Something to put your teeth in while you sleep? (8)

Overbearing rambler? (4,2,3,4)

Fear of large birds may cause these (5,7)

A feathered fantasy in the sky (5,6,4)





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Pigeon fancier?
23:04 Sat 29th Jun 2024

9.  As the Crow flies

1 murder most foul

1. I can only think of "murder most foul" (fowl)

Cross posting here mallyh, but on the same wavelength. . . .

I think these are ones left

4 A strange crew! (3,3,3,3,8)
5 A helping hand for two seabirds? (3,4,4,8,7
6 A queue of birds (7,5)
14 Keep dancing! (5,4,4,8)
16 Something to put your teeth in while you sleep? (8)
19 A feathered fantasy in the sky (5,6,4)

thanks TCL

16. Nightjar

19.  Cloud Cuckoo land

5 one good turn deserves another

6. a queue could be "a row" perhaps sparrow hawks ??? to fit the number count.

4 the owl and the pussycat

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Thank you all.  Brilliant!

Just one more that I'm not sure of

Someone who's attracted to a common bird (6,7)


Pigeon fancier?

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Cryptic Bird Clues

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