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Farage Is Ducking Out Of Laura Kuenssberg’s Show Tomorrow.

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Gromit | 21:14 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | News
10 Answers

A win-win for me 😀



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He posted this a few hours ago. He is waiting for an apology from the BBC about one of their misdemeanours.

I thought he was complaining about not getting enough coverage? rat coward. 

what "misdemeanour"? failing to kiss his toes? it is not the Nigel Farage Broadcasting Corporation!

so he  is foregoing the oxygen of publicity - how very public spirited of him

Farage, rhymes with chicken-***.


 I used to enjoy him on his TV programme with some good subjects, but he is now losing the plot a bit. He is turning into a classic case of believing his own popularity and coming out with outlandish comments, he had better shut up or he will lose Reform votes.

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Farage and Reform have done some duff debates/interviews this week. And then they haven't.    
It will be interesting to see if their ratings next week before polling day are down (or up).

Is he using the Trump playbook, ignoring journalists who might ask awkward questions?

Journalists who ask awkward questions or planted influencers?


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Farage Is Ducking Out Of Laura Kuenssberg’s Show Tomorrow.

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