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Why Has Emma Radacanu Been So Rubbish Since Winning The Us Open?

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dave50 | 20:57 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Sport
30 Answers

Injuries or just not up to it?



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I think winning the US Open was a fluke.  

She's through to the last 16 of Wimbledon, so she's not that bad.

Yes, won in straight sets. 6-2, 6-3.

Pushed too hard, too young. 

(I'm finding it hard to forgive her for pulling out of playing mixed doubles with Murray, when she'd 'led him on' by being so excited to be asked.)

Back to subj.  There was a very young, very fast sprinter contemporaneous with my elder daughter in the late 80's/early 90's.  She set new records all over the place and at 15/16 was being pushed into competing against young adults (her name was Merry).  She began to be constantly unable to play due to injuries. I think she ended up as a local sports commentator, don't know about anything else, but she never fulfilled her potential.

Radacanu was older, but her body was not fully adult and she was probably training at an unacceptable level.  Also mentally she was not properly adult enough to thoroughly understand the demands of what she had fallen into.  

Bodies and brains mature at the age-old rates, not what people want them to.

She may yet come good, but she should have been held back at least a year by her parents and coaches i.m.o..

Hoppy, and against a player ranked in the top ten. 

After all the build up and excitement she's pulled out of the doubles match with Murray because of a stiff wrist. 

Martina Navratilova was scathing of her - suggesting it was to prioritise her singles match. A disgraceful snub to Andy Murray.

How dare she prioritise her singles match.

A full schedule at the top of any sport is very tiring. While she has some outstanding performances her durability and stamina are at question.

I think being given an MBE at such a young age and having millions in her bank account has led Emma to believe she can do anything she wants even if it means letting people down as, in this case, Andy Murray.  I don't rate her as a great player, just lucky.

I agree Hazlinny. She has got pound signs in her head and prioritises that over everything else. Navratilova has been a critic for that reason ever since her US Open win. She needs to have a bit more humility and respect for others. I am not a fan for that reason. 

Jourdain, Katherine Merry won a bronze medal at the 2000 Olympics. I'm sure you knew that, though.

Raducanu shouldn't have accepted Andy's invitation to play mixed doubles. I had a feeling this would happen. 

Disappointing for Murray, but tennis players have to be selfish. She's doing well in the singles. 

Cloverjo - I agree that she should not have agreed to partner Andy Murray given that it would have been his 'swan song'. But if she did she should have seen it through.

so why did she? Self publicity I suspect. I also expected this would have happened.

I wouldn't say she's been rubbish, but she did peak young and is having to rebuild her career. Doing well in the singles and extremely sensible to pull out of the exhibition match with Murray. I don't understand how Wimbledon can just throw in an extra pair at the last minute anyway - so that he could say goodbye on Centre Court on prime time TV. He should have said goodbye when he played with his brother and bowed out. Who got pushed out of the mixed doubles to make way for them? I hope they have their spot back now.

Stop your weeping and a-wailing, people. Murray would have done exactly the same thing had the boot been on the other foot.

If the wrist problem became an injury due to her playing doubles, people would have (quote correctly) criticized her decision to play with Murray. The singles are her bread and butter, and must be her chief concern. With as many injuries as Andy has had over the years, I'm sure he understands completely.

Stop your weeping and a-wailing

don't bother, she's just one of those young women ABers love to hate.

I've no idea why jno, she just seems like a normal person. I guess some folk just hate seeing anyone have any success. Especially when they're still young.

She made some bad decisions like changing her coach every five minutes.

Martina Navratilova is as entitled to an opinion as the next man.

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