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They should be careful what they wish for.  There are plenty of other places the Tourists could go and spend their hard-earned dosh.

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You'd have thought that they'd welcome visitors spending in their hotels, restuarants and bars etc. Spain must be so wealthy it can afford to bite the hand that feeds.

the tourists could always go to Waterloo, though the idea of being sprayed by wet stuff there may be somewhat offputting.

I've never been but aparently the building site remains amazing.🙄


They just have but they are only a small part of they are only a small part of the  population, I'm sure all the people employed in hospitality will want them to stay. 

Living in a coastal Town I actually have some sympathy with them.

There needs to be some balance particularly with regard to air BnB which IMHO should be banned in residential areas.  And also regulated.  People need homes, without homes there wont be staff to service the Tourists.

It can also be galling to pay for things via your coouncil tax that you cant use, or have to pay extortionate car park fees for a car park you helped pay for.  This is something we have had for as long as I can remember.


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Fair enough YMB, we just don't go where the grockles go most of the time. I still want them to visit.

Wise man say; Barcelona dangerous city, I was robbed there at gunpoint, a real gun, not a water-pistol !

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