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It's very late, but it's the right decision. He should've offered to step down weeks ago - but better late than never.

Americans who oppose Trump need to have a credible alternative. Biden wasn't that.

It is the right decision.

Will Kampala Harris step in as presidential candidate? 

I bet a lot of Americans are breathing a sigh of relief.  

Has anyone told him yet? 

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oh, er 1900 headlines.... BBC fluffies huffing  and puffing about the anti-democratic nature of this move....flapping and twittering , having absolutely no clue about the procedure ( apparently there is one...)

24 h news has projected language grads ( the fluffies that is!) into legal commentators - and doing it badly

The right thing to do.

Naomi - can you leave my  posts alone please?

Peter Pedant, you are responsible for what you write.  

Fender, you hero, how did you find this out, so soon?

I quite like the idea of censoring the 'Biden goes' thread -  very AB - shhh the sensitive ABers mustn't know......

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Peter Pedant, if you'd like a break from AB carry on.  Stick to the topic or go away.  

Interesting point - if Biden is unfit to run.... then is he unfit to govern

o god this is not gonna go as well, is it? - a thought too heady for AB ?


Perhaps the world has just been saved.


Oh,  hang on, who do we get instead?


Now things get interesting.

It was predicted that he would withdraw this weekend - it's unfortunate that he didn't do so sooner.

PP - that is a good point: is he fit to govern?

The question is, who should have the nomination:

Kamala Harris

Tom Hanks

George Clooney 

Gavin Newsom

Pete Buttigieg

Someone else

My vote: Newsom

Mind how you go.

Are all those up for nomination?

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Biden Steps Down Finally

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