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gulliver1 | 12:19 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
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Will the benches in The Commons have to be rearranged to seat all the Labour MPs ?.Labour will have too many members to sit on the  Government Benches.  And the Tories, too  few to fill the opposition party .Will some of the Tory opposition benches have to be removed and added  on to the present Government Benches...Just asking😎.



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Jacob Rees Mogg won't be sprawling along the benches any more so that will free up a couple of spaces.
22:06 Tue 09th Jul 2024

No.  As normal, about 100 or so MP's stand at the end opposite the Speaker or around the Speaker's chair.

Will the benches in The Commons have to be rearranged to seat all the Labour MPs ?.

o god dont the mods hate witness-history? They did this in the House of southern Rhodesia where the RF took all but about 10 seats - and so the carpenters made a bent wood partition along one bench -  and the RF filled the rest of the chamber

it was known as Dr - - - 's place. 

un-mimsy and racial -  this post wont last !

er in 1965

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There won't be many Tories standing around then Spungle.There will be more than enough seats for them on the Opposition benches.

Some of the lords could be paid overtime to fill some.🤣🤣

As I pointed out to nicebloke1, "The MPs on the opposition benches represents the two-thirds of voters who didn't vote for Labour and therefore represent the majority of voters."

Should PMDO ( Day off) nothing to answer too.🤣🤣


13.34, that sounds like toddler-speak.  What are you trying to say?

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Naomi..Have you any idea when the first PMQs is ?                 I would hate to miss the looks on the faces of the Tories. ........😎Sitting on the benches opposite.🤣........

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Seems the big problem the Cons are going to have is to find enough MPs to fill those opposition benches. Most have thrown the towel in or defected to Labour or Reform.And more will follow.The Tory party chairman is doing a runner now .

No idea, Gulliver.  

-- answer removed --

careful gulliver, that's twice you've had posts removed today on your own threads.  Maybe someone doesn't like you having the last word.  Just enjoy your few weeks of glory and be nice

Have a day off Einstein. The overflow sit anywhere they can doesn't matter. There will be labour MPs sitting with the opposition. Just like there was cons sitting there a few weeks ago. When the benches are full they stand at the end. Nothing to see here.

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🎶I'm having the time of my life.🎵 Never ever felt this way before🎶

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NMA 17.18 The disgraced Tories on AB don't like it up em. Not my fault that almost the Majority of the UK agree with me  😎

20% of the electorate voted Labour 80% did not, so I wouldn't get too excited me old china.

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NMA 17.18 Not just a few weeks of glory ..FIVE YEARS of Glory and more no doubt .The Cons/Tories are finished for decades.

Jacob Rees Mogg won't be sprawling along the benches any more so that will free up a couple of spaces.

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