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Bandaged Trump Gets Rapturous Welcome Two Days After Assassination Attempt

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naomi24 | 10:32 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
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Has this attempt on his life secured the election for him?



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JD, hope this helps:

Seditious Conspiracy Defined Seditious conspiracy, a federal crime under Section 2384 of Title 18, involves two or more people plotting to overthrow the government by force, levy war, unlawfully seize federal property, or prevent the execution of federal law. Convictions can result in up to 20 years in prison. Rhodes was sentenced to 18 years for conspiring to block Congress from certifying President Biden's Electoral College victory.

Sedition vs. Insurrection

Sedition focuses on plotting and incitement to overthrow the government.

Insurrection, defined under Section 2383, involves actual violent acts against the government. It carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and disqualification from holding federal office.

Despite the Jan. 6 events being labeled an "insurrection," the Justice Department has not charged any rioters with insurrection. Instead, charges have included seditious conspiracy, assaulting police officers, obstructing congressional proceedings, and trespassing.

JD, you ask "what freedoms did they (Jan 6 protestors) think were under threat?  I expect they thought that sanctioning a Biden presidency would bring about an end to freedoms such as the right to control the border, right to financial freedom, freedom not have trans ideology foisted on their children, right to bear arms etc- Andy Biggs (senator for Arizona) wrote an interesting article on this recently.  Link below

All the best.

> insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government

Sounds a decent description of what happened on the day. The riot by the mob was rightly described as an insurrection, irrespective of what charges were made to individual people during the riot. 

Didn't realise you were on the Supreme Court now, Ellipsis!

the supreme court is controlled by trump appointees. 

> Instead, charges have included seditious conspiracy, assaulting police officers, obstructing congressional proceedings, and trespassing.

So as a mob, it sounds very much like "a violent uprising against an authority or government" - a very reasonable word to use.

He was almost murderd because of health & safety ! ;

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said in an interview Tuesday a decision was made to put local law enforcement inside the building — that gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks later climbed on top of to shoot former President Donald Trump — instead of the rooftop due to the “safety factor” of putting someone on a “sloped roof.”

Cheatle told ABC News, according to an excerpt that the Daily Mail published:

That building, in particular, has a sloped roof at its highest point. And, so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof…And, so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside.

This woman has no real experience of police protection yet has this highly important job. I have read that her main concern is getting a much higher percentage of women into the security service by 2030.


Thanks for the link, Sinead.

I agree with what Ellipsis has said. The rioters went beyond the plotting and enticement stage, they committed actual violent acts.

And weren't those 'freedoms under threat' more disagreements over government policy, which could apply to any election, than basic freedoms?



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