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maggiebee | 14:27 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Spam & Scams
4 Answers

Have received a couple of e-mails (allegedly) from DVLA informing me that they don't seem to have all my details so my road tax may be invalid. Must think I came up the Tay in a spam can but it may fool some as it looks so authentic.



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Thanks for the warning 

thanks - I   MIGHT have been taken in, because ..... when the Road taxie police ANPR computer was converted from  a static  system to an all-dancing dynamic up to date that day system

20% of entries were found inaccurate /wrong - - ( and I was repeatedly stopped, when the computer went 'ting' when it should have gone 'tong')

I continue to get phone calls and voice messages from a young woman telling me she needs to talk with me about an urgent financial matter.

The fact she talks with a broad Scouse accent doesn't install confidence.

These scammers need to undergo electrical shock treatment....from a pylon.

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