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Eye 783

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ancient2 | 21:58 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

uncensored clip shot in Exodus ( 8 )



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...anagram (shot) of Clip inside, in, Exit, Exodus.
22:09 Wed 17th Jul 2024


...anagram (shot) of Clip inside, in, Exit, Exodus.

24 study like crazy to dispense with second job (4) D?T?

13 Touches up in audition break (5) P?U?E

21 Militarys first out-and-out drone (6)


2 Duty, job, study without the S, second.

13Pause, sounds like Paws,touches up.

21 Mutter, drone, drone on... M(ilitary) and Utter, out and out.

Thank you I wouldn't have worked those out. Especially Mutter.

1234Matt, glad I could help.

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Eye 783

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