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Benfieldside Quiz

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hops | 12:47 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
73 Answers

this is a quiz raising money for sick children and copies of the quiz can be had from benfieldside, 13 mere drive, pity me, durham dh1 5dd

there are 75 questions on general knowledge, in plain

sight,anagrams and extremely cryptic

i have managed to answer 63 of the questions but have been stuck now for over a week and would appreciate help with the remainder

the questions are all on naming the coastal resorts of great  britain

[1] monarch tube      [8 letters]

[2] in reverse take a curved shape, a senior barrister and a clerical vestment       [9 letters]

[3]he's a long way from wimbledon

[4] 49 amongst one of the deadly sins

any help would be appreciated




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pads are cushions. if a car is "on tow" its being pulled.

What does Dore mean in English?

noun. gilt [noun] a gold or gold-like substance. a tiny vase covered with gilt. (also adjective) a gilt brooch.

Question Author

thank-you patsy and the winner i could not find an explanation of dore

Question Author

and then there 4

[1[ Fishing community of small cottages   [9 LETTERS]

[2] Water holes

[3]  Sole prison officer

[4]  Monarch tube

no 4 has been given before as 'kinghorn' but i don't see the tube connection 

3 Fishguard

B Wells...... Norfolk beach resort

1 Scotsgate anagram s(mall) cottages

4 Kings Lynn sounds good 

I'd thought  about Kings Lynn all along for the monarchTube  clue (abit like Kings Line), but the clue is always shown as 8 not 9 so it can't be that . Kinghorn sounds okay to me

Question Author

that's great mallyh, just number 4 needs 8 letters,sorry i missed this off

Question Author

it's called' wells next the sea' mallyh

4 Are you sure it isn't TUBA instead of TUBE?

there is a type of tube called a horn tube

Question Author

yes, definately tube

All the clues are re places on or near the coast starting on the east coast near the Scottish border (St.Abbs).

The subsequent places are all in order in a clockwise direction around England, Wales and Scotland.

If you can't get an answer, the clues before and after should give the start and end points between which the answer lies.

You may need th full list of clues to help with this.

Warning! This may entail giving a donation to the charity in question.


Question Author

after reading the last post from madgeorge and it looks like he is correct with the sequence of these coastal resorts it  also looks like two of my answers are incorrect,namely:-

[1]Portuguese car needs door immobiliser to reach 100 [8 letters]


[2]Confused munich football team with cows chewing it [6,3] letters

any ideas please

Question Author

it looks like these two coastal resorts lie somewhere between tobermory and stonehaven according to madgeorge sequence

Cruden Bay is an anagram of Bayern cud!

Question Author

thank-you jj

Question Author

the answer to the last one [portuguese car needs door immobiliser to reach 100 ] is a coastal resort between tobermory and cruden bay probably ending in ton [8 letters]

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