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Can I Play . . .

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Buenchico | 22:59 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

. . . on the swing, please, Mummy?

Any takers?



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I didn't look at the scary video clip.

Not my idea of fun - I'd rather go and play with the Cheetah cubs

And I'm with wolfie ...I don't like heights 🙀

Not a chance.  Nope.  No way, no how. 

£1m you say?  Let me think now...


I guess, for $1m I go, but you'd have to blindfold me ...sort of defeats the purpose tho !!

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Thanks for the posts.

I think that I'd like to give it a go but I'm unsure as to how confident, or otherwise, I'd actually be when I got up there!

I would have thought you could see the panoramic view more successfully by just standing there. Though I'd probably need a harness for that too.

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Can I Play . . .

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