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Gift for 'mummy'

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danny-boy | 13:21 Sat 01st Dec 2007 | Gift Ideas
4 Answers
I want to get my wife a Christmas present from our 6 month old son. Something 'Mummy' ish or personalised maybe. Has anyone seen anything that might fit the bill??

Thanks in advance,


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Hi danny you can buy china mugs with greatest mum on them or you could go for a silver or gold necklace with mum on it I think argos sell those sort of things infact argos have quite a few personalised items why not look there first.Good luck and what a lovely thought.g.
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thanks for that - funnily enough i just bought an "I Love Mummy" mug personalised with my son's name on it.

Thanks for your suggestion!!

yu could see if there are any places near you that you can personalise china with. Last year we went to one and the grandparents got large mugs with our sons handprint on.

or have you considered a little keepsake of hand size by getting either a framed print of foot and handprints or a mould of them?
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Gift for 'mummy'

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