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Benfieldside Quiz

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hops | 12:47 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
73 Answers

this is a quiz raising money for sick children and copies of the quiz can be had from benfieldside, 13 mere drive, pity me, durham dh1 5dd

there are 75 questions on general knowledge, in plain

sight,anagrams and extremely cryptic

i have managed to answer 63 of the questions but have been stuck now for over a week and would appreciate help with the remainder

the questions are all on naming the coastal resorts of great  britain

[1] monarch tube      [8 letters]

[2] in reverse take a curved shape, a senior barrister and a clerical vestment       [9 letters]

[3]he's a long way from wimbledon

[4] 49 amongst one of the deadly sins

any help would be appreciated




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Question Author

thank-you patsy and to all who contributed to the answers of this quiz without whom i would never have completed

Glad I could help. Good luck 😃

Question Author

afterchecking the answers with the madgeorge sequence i find i am still one short, it is

Ideal to cover a pan        [4 letters]

the coastal resort is between DEAL and HASTINGS



Question Author

thank-you both

2 Seahouses

17 Wells (Norfolk)

38 Torquay

Stuck on the following

32 Was there a bubble here (8)

65 In reverse take a curves shape, a senior barrister and a clerical vestment (9)

72 Portuguese car needs door immobiliser to reach 100 (8)

Brilliant quiz well done to the setter.

72 See Patsy above


P(ortugal) lock ton

32 Southsea

65 is given earlier in this thread as Blackpool

Loop K(ings) C(ounsel) alb (all reversed)

Thank you

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