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Kneel Starmer Speech On Thugs

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fender62 | 16:55 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
47 Answers

said it was far right thugs, never mentioned the riot in leeds or the southend machete attacks or the airport incident, none were far right, to me it stinks of appeasement, i get the misinformtion over the stockport riot, and in no way am i siding with what happened there, its like he's afraid to listen to the people who are actually afraid of whats happening in the uk, im afraid it's only going to get worse, a polarised society.



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Labour are now intent on rolling out the deployment of facial recognition cameras, across the land, in response to the understandable anger and abhorance of the knife murder of children by non indigenous criminals. Not because of suicide vest bombers or terrorism supporting riots, not because of the mass rapes of children on an industrial scale or the street muggings and robberies   ...   but because the people of Britain, the ones who made the place a relative paradise in comparison to other dangerous places, have finally show their anger and dismay regarding the wholesale betrayal of their worthy values. The left wing wet dream of surveilance and punishment for any that dare to think for themselves is about to arouse itself. Your assets will be stolen and you will beg for the means to sustain your lives by compliance. Starmer never called for such measures when the antifa mobs, or blm looters were running riot, but a few heartbroken white people appears to infuriate him.    

His speech was tone death and crystallised why he's not fit to lead this country.


What was he doing during the BLM riots? Taking the knee.


What was his stance on the pro-Hamas demos? 

BTW, I'd consider the pro-Hamas demos as being "far right" given Hamas want the eradication of Jews.

Yep Dd.  Tough on crime  ...   tough on the victims of crime. 

Calm down Togo 🤣

Dd 20.15

So, what do we do? Bring back Rishi Sunak or maybe, Liz Truss?


Starmer is a robotic idiot.

He's fuelled the flames but no doubt the media will blame Farage.

//The wife of a Conservative councillor has appeared in court charged with publishing written material to stir up racial hatred.

Forty-one-year-old Lucy Connolly, who works as a childminder in Northampton, was not required to enter a plea to the charge during a hearing at Northampton Crown Court today.

Her husband, West Northamptonshire councillor Raymond Connolly, watched from the public gallery as she was remanded in custody.//

Why remanded in custody for goodness sakes !!!!!!!!!

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