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Taxing The Motorist Per Mile

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naomi24 | 17:37 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Motoring
37 Answers

The government is now considering this but how will it work?  Meters in cars, Big Brother cameras everywhere?  I would have thought that increasing fuel duty was in effect 'taxing the motorist per mile' but this is something different.  



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Thanks barry, I'll have to see if my woman is interested next time she changes her car. But my concern is that it'd prove the same as all others as I hear it's down to EU demands/regulations.

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TTT, you're coming across as not only stupidly thoughtless but incredibly arrogant.  This government is in the process of making those already struggling even poorer. It's not a joke.

Brilliant, so people like me who have to drive 3 miles to the nearest shop will get penalised? The only bus that comes anywhere near me is a two mile walk and goes once a week to the nearest town on market day. It sets off at 9 am and takes more than an hour and a half to go the eleven miles as it stops at every village on the way. I could get there faster on my horse 😂 maybe that's the answer go back to real horsepower 😂😂😂


So long as this is an "instead of" tax and not an "additional" tax than this is a much fairer system.

I don't agree naomi, it will be cheaper for many. A lot of people have a car but only use it occasionally but pay the same in VED as those who do a gazillion miles. Also if you have more than one car it will be a lot cheaper as you can only drive one at a time. Take Jourdain, she lives out in the sticks but I bet she only does a few miles a year yet has to pay the same VED as someone with the same car who does 50000 miles. It's also fairer in that you pay for the miles you do.

"Cars will have to be fitted with meters"


Hmm... and the government thinks that the far right only take on the police when little girls are murdered. Perhaps they've forgotten other rioting in the past.

auntypoll: "Brilliant, so people like me who have to drive 3 miles to the nearest shop will get penalised?" - no you will be a lot better off. Currently you subsidise high mileage users, going forward you will only pay for the miles you do.

Regardless of how often one uses one's vehicle, the same roads need to have the same level of maintenance, so use isn't a major factor.


Are the cyclists and insane scooter users also to have meters attached to their vehicle, after all the use the roads too, and get in everyone else's way ?

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TTT, what about people like Auntypoll - and me - who live miles from civilisation - or the single mother here who doesn't get benefits and has to do 80 miles a day just on school runs?   It's not all about people like you.  

naomi: "TTT, what about people like Auntypoll - and me - who live miles from civilisation" - as I said above you'll be better off. You live some distance fom civilisation, yes but I bet your annual mileage is low. Currently you pay the same as someone with the same car that does 50000 miles. Is that right? With road pricing it will be variable on the road and time of day, so 10am on a road out in the sticks will be 1p a mile, the M25 at 8am will be £1 a mile, etc for example. This is very much like metered water, people thought it would get more expensive but for small users it went down dramatically. The same will happen here.

OG made a good point about scooter and cyclist users. They have too much freedom to do as they like and should be controlled more than they are now.

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TTT, why on earth would you conclude that my annual mileage is low?  

I haven't it just sounds like it is, ditto aunty poll, jourdain. Peopl who live out in the sticks generally do low mileages over relatively short distances but that's the only transport available so a car is vitak to them. Is it low? high? what?

"Brilliant, so people like me who have to drive 3 miles to the nearest shop will get penalised? The only bus that comes anywhere near me is a two mile walk and goes once a week to the nearest town on market day."

Regardless of this question, auntypoll, you should move. Nobody should live two miles from the nearest bus stop.

NJ, living within a specific distance of a current bus stop is no indication as to how often a bus stops there.



TTT I don't know what gives you the impression that people who live in rural locations have lower mileage. My school run was 30 miles a day six days a week plus part time job in opposite direction of another 12 miles plus weekly shopping plus treks to larger towns minimum 40 miles round trip. I don't know many people driving 50k miles a year. Even my sister who is an area manager with an area from Newcastle to humberside doesn't drive that amount.

"NJ, living within a specific distance of a current bus stop is no indication as to how often a bus stops there."

Indeed not, Corby. But however infrequenly they run (and assuming the bus stop is not for decoration only) people must be better off living close to it than two miles away.

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