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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 1

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seekeerz | 02:47 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
42 Answers

Good morning everyone - not a bad day out there today, sun is shining, not much breeze, warming up nicely, I shall go and sit in the sunshine later 😇

The links today -





As always, everyone is very welcome to join in - just be sure to post your entry before midnight Sunday and after posting please check back to see your entry does appear.

Gosh, a new month ....this year is positively galloping past ...time to bury the Brussel sprouts .....anyway, Good Luck to Us All .....



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crab claws,safety pins,plain flour,car jack.

Horseshoe crab

Knitting pins

Flour bomb


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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 1

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