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SarahGarza88 | 09:26 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
34 Answers

First I want to start off by thinking everyone so very much who has contributed to helping our daughter.  We have come a long way in getting her to be as independent as she can be. Clara is now seven years old, and has grown to be 1‘7“ and 19 pounds, for her birthday (which was recent)we would like to Let her experience what skiing is like. Can anyone think of a way that we could get her skiing with us independently?

In addition, would you have any concerns regarding the plane? We were going to bring her car seat, and our researching really well on this topic before we purchase the tickets. Would you have any suggestions on skis for Clara? Along with her equipment and outfit (gloves, goggles, ski mask, etc.)?


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are you being serious? I don't appreciate you making fun of my daughter.

What type of dwarfism does your daughter have?

Would Liliputian be preferable?

Lol @ Douglas.

The ski slopes may have minimum height restrictions like at theme parks

Wind-up Wednesday.

I can think of few thing more serious than someone being fed to wild animals.

Still, you have your own priorities so I'll leave you to mull.

op is suspended, although who knows why?

One down...

Check airline websites for their conditions regarding the use of car seats. Most are very type specific.

This is not the time of year for skiing weather wise, in the USA.

Research ski resorts for their ski school reviews and contact the ones you are interested in. Big Sky in Montana had an excellent Ski school and crèche when my daughter was learning

barry, I was comparing it to this about Charlotte Garside in the Mail

"World's smallest girl who measures just 68cm starts first day at primary school".  Okay, it's from 2012 but that 5 year old girl was 8 inches taller than 7 year old Clara.


do you live near any of the UK indoor ski slopes, eg snozone Castleford or MKC, Snowdome Tamworth, or Chill Factor-E Manchester?

I'm not well on Barbie Dolls, but I think the manufacturers do a good line  in accessories. If they don't do skis, you could try using lollipop sticks.

The poster is in the USA

The OP is currently suspended, so I'm closing this thread.

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