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Winter Sports And Activities

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sheeshee | 13:36 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

 1 give MBEto the greeery (8 3 9 4 )letters,  2 take a very long sleep (9)letters, 3 quick short movements after yoghurt results in seated travel (3 7)letters,  4 indigenous game involves no known seas but many sticks (9) letters, 5 swallow borg's ninth attempt at aiming sphere (8 9) letters, thanks for any help 



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Name of quiz?

Closing date?

3 may be SKI something

I assume 1 should say greenery?

2 hibernate

1 decorate the Christmas tree bobbing

2. hibernate

5 Throwing snowballs (anag)

Question Author

QuizmasterG i did enter the quiz as Border Ice rink,  the closing date is 30th September

4. snowsnake

Hi sheeshee a polite observation - it makes it easier to help you if you give the actual question number. 😊

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