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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 2

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seekeerz | 02:44 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
42 Answers

Good morning everyone - Sun is shining today, and very little breeze, it will be lovely later, when it warms up a bit toes haven't quite defrosted 🥶

Ok for the links we have 





As always, everyone is very welcome to join in - just be sure to post your entry before midnight Sunday and after posting, please check back to see your entry does appear.

I'm very grateful to Lie-in King for posting the clues for us this morning, I'm not able to post anything from my phone which makes things a bit difficult 😣 

Plenty of scope for matches with the links so Good Luck to Us All......



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For me:

Feed   The Birds

Ocean  Floor

Pocket  Money

Grey  Scale

For Reenie:

News  Feed

Floor  Mop

Money Spider

Grey  Matter


Bottle feed

Factory floor

 Money supply 

Grey market



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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 2

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